About Us
(click on the Green links)

  Cristina Stainkamp is PAK's President and Webmaster, cristina@protectallergickids.org.  She is the proud mom of three beautiful children. Her 12 year old has life threatening food allergies to dairy, and is very allergic to dust and dogs.  He was allergic to eggs, beef and peanuts, and recently outgrew them.  He has asthma which puts him at greater risk for Anaphylaxis, and is allergic to pollution.  Sachem Public School District in Long Island, New York, has provided him an aide at school to 'shadow' him when he is around food (lunch and snack time), and on the bus.   Her 9 year old was diagnosed with a tree nut allergy.  He also has a 504 Plan and Individual Health Plan (IHP) which includes an aide on the bus.  They share the bus with other food allergic children.  Her 5 year old has been allergy tested four times, and is negative to the top eight food allergens.  Cristina was anaphylactic to all fish (which started at the age of 21), and outgrew it sixteen years later.  She has asthma and is anaphylactic to Levaquin/Cipro (a brand of antibiotics).  Read more in the Long Island Press.   

  Kelli Fuscaldo is the Treasurer, kelli@protectallergickids.org,  Her son is anaphylactic to peanuts.  Click here to learn more about her story.

  Kim Dominici is our School Program Manager, kim@protectallergickids.org.  Her son is anaphylactic to peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, and sesame.  Click here to read her story.

Does your child have
severe food allergies?
 You've come to the
right place.

Cristina Stainkamp
  • FAAN Support Group Advisory Council Member
  • Trained Safe @ School ™ Presenter