How to Hire a Babysitter
Always check References.
Have the sitter spend time with you and the kid(s) so you can teach her about the needs of your child. At this point, you can also determine her interest in caring for children with special needs.
Leave a written letter authorizing treatment in the event of an emergency.
If allergy/asthma symptoms are not under control, do not leave your child with a sitter.
If possible, feed your child prior to going out. If not, leave a list of all safe food that your child can eat. Snacks that don't require refrigeration can be left on the countertop.
Have an Emergency Action Plan in a visible location, such as on your refrigerator.
Make sure the sitter understands the plan (what to look for in an allergic reaction, when and how to administer Benadryl and Epi-pen)
Have your Benadryl, Epi-pen, and any Asthma Medication in an accessible spot for the babysitter.
As early as possible, start teaching your child about their food allergies.
Leave all telephone numbers and the location of where you will be for the sitter.
Never ask sitter to prepare your child's food. Ask her to keep allergic foods/beverages away from your child and clean up after herself.
Hand washing before and after consumption.
Disclaimer: The information contained herein is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical/legal advice. Please seek the advice of your physician regarding any treatment for allergies and asthma.
Does your child have severe food allergies?
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