January '07 Bulletin
(Meeting held: 1/17)
1) Brainstorm PAK Fundraiser with group to possibly go non-for-profit/incorporated. PAK has an attorney working on the case.
2) PAK will write to the Media/Superintendents in Suffolk/Nassau counties about implementing a Wellness Program in schools, as well as promoting FAAN's Be a PAL program in May.
3) Namaste Baking products - Free of gluten, wheat, casein, dairy, all nuts, corn, potatoes and soy. Visit www.namastefoods.com.
4) Share your story. Everyone including new members had the chance to share their story, provide information, as well as comfort each other.
5) Feb 7th (Wed) meeting, 7 pm - Guest Speaker: Dr. Mayer, Allergy & Immunology. Will be held at Tamarac Elementary School, multi-purpose room. Located at 50 Spence Ave., Holtsville.
PAK needs help with copies/distribution to Middle Country schools, and we reviewed the agenda. Please invite family/caretakers, teachers, school nurses, pediatricians. We distributed directions. Click the Contact Us pg for more information.
6) PAK Moms outing in May to spa or PAK family outing to Babycakes in NYC.
7) Lori - Make a Wish granted her family a Disney trip and her story will be in February's Suffolk Life Newspaper.
8) Medical Bracelets - how to label. When ordering your child's bracelet, you may want to clarify what they are anaphylactic to versus what they are allergic to. For example my son's bracelet says "Asthma, Anaphylactic to milk and milk products".
9) Bring recipes. We discussed Martha Stewart's food allergy segment which aired 1/17. She had the founder of Babycakes in NYC baking 2 recipes: Brownies and Cinnamon Toasties. Visit www.marthastewart.com.
10) Travel - bring a letter from your child's doctor requiring you to carry the proper medication on a flight. And notify the airline of your child's medical situation when making a reservation.
11) School Cafeterias - I received a letter by my son's school with a PIN #. To avoid any tragedies, I decided to write a letter to the head of School District Food Services. It stated that due to his life threatening food allergies, I do not want him to be served any food/beverages until further notice. This will follow him thru high school unless he outgrows it.